Hollywood actor Cal Penn is getting ready to play Toronto Raptors super fan Nav Bhatia on the big screen.
The news was first published in an exclusive report Deadline but was later confirmed on social media by both parties.
“Superfan is going to Hollywood,” Bhatia said on Twitter. “Excited that Cal Penn says yes to playing me in the new biopic !!”
“I can not believe all this. I am speechless and he honors me!
Batia watched his first game with the Raptors in 1995 after the team joined the NBA and previously told CTV News Toronto that he became “addicted”.
In more than 25 years, Bhatia has never lost a home game.
He is also known for donating thousands of Raptors tickets to members of the Sikh community, including a large number of children, to celebrate Vaisakhi, the Sikh New Year.
In May, he became one of the first fans to ever become one will be honored at the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame.
Penn, who is known for his roles in “House”, “Designated Survivor” and “Harold & Kumar”, wrote on Twitter that he is “over-excited” to take Bhatia’s story to Hollywood.
“Many of us are banned from basketball, but there is only one (Nav Bhatia),” he wrote.
“The story of his perseverance and unity is incredible and I’m very excited to bring the story of his super fans to the (super?) Big screen.”
Apart from the fact that the film is being produced by Stampede Ventures, a few other details have been made public.
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