As movie lovers await the release of Ranveer Singh’s protagonist 83, the actor on Sunday shared the teaser of the upcoming song of the movie, Lehra Do, which will be released on Monday. In the teaser, the characters of the film seem to go through a series of emotions and are likely to touch the viewers as well. The actor wrote in the caption of the post, “Keep the tricolor flying high.” The film is scheduled to hit the big screen on December 24 this year.
Ranveer Singh shares the teaser of the song from 83 film
The actor shared a taste of the song before its release and made his fans excited. A cricket match is in progress and the fans on the court are at the edge of their seats. The teaser also shows a small taste of Deepika Padukone, who will play Ranveer Singh’s wife on screen, Romi Dev (Kapil Dev’s wife). Fans can look forward to an emotional and patriotic issue that will be released on December 6th.
The upcoming film will chronicle the memorable 1983 World Cup, where Kapil Dev, played by Ranveer Singh, led his team to victory. The film will be directed by Kabir Khan and will also star Pankaj Tripathi, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Saqib Saleem and others in pivotal roles. The movie trailer also became the most watched Bollywood trailer in 24 hours and Internet users can not wait for the movie to be released on December 24, 2021.
Watch it 83 trailer here:
Following the recent release of the trailer, Singh wrote a thank you note and mentioned it 83 it was not just a movie for him. He described it as “a glorious tribute to that moment in Indian history that changed everything.” He wrote, “This is the great achievement of the Indian cricket team of 1983 -” Kapil’s Devils “! These men are legends and I am honored to participate in the cinematic telling of their iconic story on the big screen. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous and loving messages! Kaptaan Kabir Khan, is all you have ever dreamed of! Bow down! “
Image: Instagram / @ ranveersingh
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