In recent years, actors Akshay Kumar and John Abraham have both worked on similar projects. They both like to work on large-scale films with a nationalistic tone and the latest buzz suggests that we may soon see them sharing the screen together in an upcoming project. John and Akshay have previously collaborated on films such as “Garam Masala” and “Desi Boys”.
The movie is titled “Parlok” and talking about it, John told Pinkvilla, “You will never see such a movie for a long time, it will shock the audience. It has been 5 years in the making. Because it is such a movie it is difficult to tell her, that it becomes provocative “.
Sharing his excitement of sharing the screen with Akshay again, John said: “Dude! I love Akshay. You know, when we talk about two heroes today who look really good on screen together because their chemistry is so seamless – we’re the “Akshay and I, because we really share this love and this attachment off screen and we just translate it on screen.”
The actor ended by saying, “Well, either he pulls my hair, I throw it and he throws it at me. It works because we are so in love as humans. So, yes, I would love to work with Akshay. Forget Garam Masala 2, I would love it. “Desi Boys 2, whatever happens. I need an excuse to work with Akshay Kumar. But I think he’m too busy and is probably making 144 films now? But I’ll pull him out and work with him soon.”
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