Ladybug and Cat Noir have created a very passionate fan base for themselves, with the French animated series becoming popular around the world. With a series of projects to continue the series in the future, the upcoming prequel film has revealed the release date for when it will hit the silver screen in Japan. With the film immersed in the past in these two dressed protagonists, fans are sure to learn more about these two popular characters.
The vocal cast for the upcoming film may have some familiar names to anime fans, with Christina Vee, Bryce Papenbrook, Keith Silversteen and Zeno Robinson being part of the cast. These actors may be better known for their roles as Sailor Mars Sailor MoonEren Jaeger inside Attack on the titanSpeedwagon in JoJo’s weird adventure, and Hawks at My Hero Academia respectively. The film itself was announced for the first time that it will be in the works in 2018, which means that several years have passed since the fans were informed about the prequel.
Creator Jeremy Zag recently spoke to Animation Magazine about the upcoming project, which is scheduled to arrive in France on August 3, and collaborated with Cross Creek to create this prequel film that will see the two superpowers before TV series events. :
“We are working with Cross Creek for our upcoming Miraculous release features and Melody, was such an inspiring journey and created the opportunity to work on many more projects together. “I have been developing these new films for many years and I am so excited to have the ideal partner at Cross Creek to make them happen.”
If you have never heard Ladybug and Cat NoirThe original TV series airs on both Netflix and Amazon Prime with the first being released
“When Paris is in danger, Marinette becomes a ladybug. She does not know that her favorite at school, Adrienne, is actually Cat Noir, another superhero who saves the city.”
Are you excited about the arrival of this prequel story that will definitely add more levels to both Ladybug and Cat Noir? What is your favorite cartoon example to appear outside of North America and Japan? Do not hesitate to let us know in the comments or let me know directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk about all the comics, anime and the world of these two adorned vigilantes.