Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan has played different characters in his career spanning almost two decades. While some of the depictions received praise, others did not go so well with the audience. Abhishek, already struggling under pressure to be the son of Amitabh Bachchan, made his Refugee debut – a project he now feels rather unprepared for.
Asked about the mistakes he thinks he has made in his career, Abhishek told RJ Siddharth Kanan: “One of the few regrets I have is that when I made my debut, I felt like I was not ready to work with the great JP Dutta. You can work with such an honored director in your first film, you have to be prepared for this challenge and this honor. I should have been better prepared for him. I could be better. I felt that I was very inadequately prepared as an actor for JP saab. He’s a family and I love him. “
However, this was also a lesson for Abhishek as he said, “But this was also learning. If I had been so prepared at that time, I would never have learned anything as an actor. It is not how you start, but how you end. But your beginning determines much of how you will end. “Because my start was so unstable in terms of preparation, it pushed me to lift my socks.”
We will see Abhishek Bachchan next in the movie ZEE5 Bob Biswas.
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