Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt is very busy promoting her upcoming film, Brahmastra with her husband, Ranbir Kapoor. The duo works non-stop and their fans are in awe of their chemistry. However, it’s Alia’s take on maternity fashion, one after the other, that inspires all moms-to-be. From a boss dining room look with a lavender jacket to an embroidered ‘Baby on Board’ style Sarah, Alia is winning hearts.
For the past four years, Alia and Ranbir have been working very hard for their film, brahmastra, and fans can’t wait to see them in theaters. A while ago the couple clicked at the airport. However, it was Alia’s cute look that blew us away. The bold mom-to-be opted for a black skater dress with a printed dress and flaunted her baby bump.
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On September 8, 2022, Alia took to her Instagram handle and posted a beautiful glimpse of her outfit. In the photos, the mom-to-be opted for a striped rust orange dress with a thigh-high slit. She showed off her grown baby bump in the ensemble. Alia proved once again that maternity fashion doesn’t have to be boring. Check it out:
On September 7, 2022, Alia dropped our jaws with her style for another promotional event in Delhi. The actress showed how one could style a beautiful lavender ensemble during pregnancy. She wore a lavender jacket with a matching lavender slip underneath and blue jeans.
For those who don’t know, it was in June, that Alia announced her pregnancy news to the world. She had shared two sweet pictures. In the first picture, we could see Alia and Ranbir looking at their baby’s ultrasound report on the computer. The next photo was of a family of lions, which was an ode to the soon-to-be-familiar couple. Along with this, Alia had written:
“Our baby, coming soon.”
We’re in awe of Alia’s maternity style!
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