Actor Anil Kapoor celebrated 30 years of Beta film starring Madhuri Dixit, Anupam Kher and Aruna Irani. Anil took to Instagram and shared a series of photos, where he and Madhuri were seen receiving an award for the film. He expressed his gratitude for the love received by the film.
Anil Kapoor wrote in the caption of the photo, “It was a great feeling for us as actors when our film was the biggest blockbuster of 1992 and received so much love and all the accolades! We are celebrating 30 years of Beta! “
Beta told the story of a simple man named Raju who adores his stepmother Laxmi Devi (Aruna Irani) and can not see how friendly she really is. Raju marries Saraswati (played by Madhuri Dixit), who realizes the plans his stepmother has made for him and struggles to reveal the truth to him. Directed by Indra Kumar, the film was one of the biggest hits of 1992 and won a number of awards. The iconic song Dhak Dhak Karne Laga appeared in the film.
Fans flooded the video with erotic comments, saying they had seen the blockbuster several times. Others asked Anil and Madhuri to play together again in a new movie.
Anil and Madhuri starred in many hits of the 90’s and later reunited in the 2019 film, Total Dhamaal. On the job front, Madhuri was last seen on the Netflix online series, The Fame Game.
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