Participation Batman‘small Robert Pattinson in Mickey 7, the upcoming science fiction movie by author Bong Joon Ho, is Naomi Aki (Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker)Toni Collette (Nightmare Alley), onend Mark Ruffalo (The work of AdamShe-Hulk). It has been a long time since the director very oscar scar For Parasite and we could not be more excited about this latest development.
As the medium of the film continues to respond to the blockbusters of the cinemas, it is wonderful to see another dynamic ensemble assembling for one of our new modern masters. We said, aWhat we do know about the untitled film is that Bong (whose other titles include Memories of Murder, The hostand Snowpiercer) will be both directing and writing the script, that is one adaptation of the recently released novel Mickey 7 by author Edward Aston. According Deadlinehis casting news report, the centers of the book around Mickey7, who is known as “an Expendable”: a consumable agent on a human mission sent to colonize the Niflheim ice world. Whenever there is a mission that is very dangerous — even suicidal — the crew turns to Mickey. a new body is reborn with most of its memories intact. “
In other words, We will do science fiction and make clone action with Robert Pattinson (ies), an actor We like to see ourselves digging into intoxicating material like this. It looks like Ruffalo, Collette and Ackie will complement some of the crew listed. In the sense of a man who is cloned and his mind is renewed (but with a certain amount self knowledge)we get energy from it Groundhog Day device mixed with Free Press δει via Bong’s vision that combines the genre. No announcement has been made for the start of production, but we will wait for another one Batman film if we can get this first.
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