Darren Aronofsky’s Sphere film Postcard From Earth is responsible for establishing all sorts of cinematic history firsts — like being the only film ever to be released in 18K on a screen that spans 160,000 square feet.
But moviegoers will especially enjoy a first that isn’t fully revealed until the last 90 seconds or so of the 50-minute running time, at the massive Las Vegas dome where the film just premiered.
The end credits start to appear in the middle of the screen, as you’d expect — or at least in what counts as the middle if your field of vision is trained forward rather than skyward. And then the credits expand from there, bit by bit, until a significant portion of the LED screen is filled by the entire list of names of people who worked on Postcard From Earth, all at once.
And yes, at 18K resolution, all those thousands of names are completely legible, tiny as they may seem in the overall scheme—or Sphere—of things.
Aronofsky smiles slightly as he says Variety about the unusual, not to be repeated anytime soon:
“He was like, ‘Do you want to do a roll or something?’ I was like, “You know, actually, it might be kind of interesting to stick everybody’s name up there.” And I think it’s 2,000 names.
“The nice thing about it,” he adds, “is that we can finish the credits in about 90 seconds, which is also great.”
Stunning shots of purple mountain majesty are one thing. But a single screen testimony to the thousands of villagers it takes to build a movie, on a screen some 35 stories tall? For cinema workers, that it can be the ultimate trip.
Part of the credits of Darren Aronofsky’s ‘Postcard From Earth’, now playing at the Sphere in Las Vegas
“Postcard From Earth” is currently being played at the new Vegas venue as the host of The Sphere Experience, on days when U2 have not booked a dome show at night.
Read the rest VarietyAronofsky’s Q&A about the making of the film here: “Darren Aronofsky on his Sphere film, ‘Postcards from Earth’: ‘I had no idea what an 18K picture, the size of four football fields would look like.’
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