Home » How did Vikrant Massey’s latest film end?

How did Vikrant Massey’s latest film end?

by Stewart Cole

Faint is a comedy thriller featuring Vikrant Massey in the lead role. The film released on Jio Cinema and features an ensemble cast. It also has Sunil Grover, Mouni Roy and Jisshu Sengupta as supporting characters. Additionally, social media influencers Karan Sudhakar Sonawne and Saurabh Dilip Ghadge played comic roles. As the film revolves around a journalist named Lenny, it takes several major turns. Below is a full explanation of Blackout’s story and ending.

Blackout begins by introducing Lenny (Vikrant Massey), a journalist who leads a normal life with his wife, Roshni. As a major bank heist takes place in Pune, the city is thrown into a total blackout. In the dark at night, Lenny goes out to get bread for dinner, but little does he know that his life is about to change completely.

How does Lenny find luck?

During the blackout, Lenny drops off his best friend Ravi at his house and then goes to buy the bread. But, his car meets with an accident with the robbers’ van. While the robbers are dying, Lenny grabs some of their property and believes his life will change forever. However, he soon hits a man in the street and takes his life. When he puts the body in his car, a drunk (played by Sunil Grover) sticks with him.

On their way to the cemetery, Lenny runs into a police officer he had fooled earlier in a sting operation. At the cemetery, they discover that the man is not dead and also meet Thik Thak. The four of them escape from the graveyard and another twist in the story introduces them to Mouni Roy’s character Shruti Mehra. When Drunk and Thik Thak rob a liquor store, they are tailed by a police vehicle. As they run away from the police, the drunk shows his true colors and turns out to be the most wanted Don Azgar Bhai. A private detective, Arvind Dasgupta, subtly helps Lenny and his unwanted team.

Blackout ending explained: Can Lenny turn his life around?

Blackout takes another action-packed turn when Thik Thak suggests taking a sleeping Azgar don to another Pune gangster. When they reach the warehouse, a fight between Azgar and his former ally results in the disappearance of the rival gang. In addition, Azgar is also shot. It is then revealed that an MLA had hired a gunman to kill Lenny. He is the same man that Lenny accidentally hit with his car. On the other hand, Detective Arvind reveals that Shruti is on his side and that Lenny’s wife hired him. Roshni had an extramarital affair with Ravi and wanted to divorce Lenny.

Later in the film, Lenny, Thik and Thak escape to outwit the detective and retrieve Azgar’s body. Lenny then reveals that he has a fortune in the trunk of his car and would share it with the twin brother. When they open the trunk, they find only heavy weapons inside. A heartbroken Lenny then goes to Azgar’s old house to bury his corpse. As he digs the ground, he finds the don’s property, a trunk filled with gold bricks.

Seeing the new fortune, Lenny draws up a plan to turn his life around. He blackmails a policeman and asks him to arrest Ravi and Roshni. He places the weapons in Ravi’s old car and frames him.

While Lenny is happy with his changed life, it seems that Azgar is regaining consciousness. In addition, the gunman also begins his plan to kill Lenny again. The open ending hinted at a possible sequel but the makers have not confirmed the same.

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