Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan “injects the inner Vedha” inside him and while he does, he looks a little bold. The actor shared a series of photos of himself on social media that showcase his appearance from his upcoming film, Vikram Vedha, the Hindi remake of a Tamil of the same name. The film also stars Saif Ali Khan as Vikram with Radhika Apte in a lead role. Pushkar and Gayatri, who wrote and directed the original drama, are also directing this film.
In the photos, which Hrithik posted on Instagram, he seems to have an all-black appearance. He is wearing a black T-shirt along with modern black jeans. He has tied his long hair in a ponytail and his thick beard adds to his sturdy look. One can not miss his lean body in the photos.
As the actor posted the photo, many salivated at his good looks. Celebrity hairdresser Aalim Khan left an emoji fire in the comments section. Stylist Akshay Tyagi wrote, “Uffffff❤️🔥.” Actor Dino Morea commented: “Or he looks like a super brother”. Zayed Khan wrote, “Killing it Brother !!! 🙌🔥🔥🔥”
Many Hrithik fans found the photos “amazing” and called the actor “Hotter”. An Instagram user commented on the photo, saying: “I’m in love with Vedha στυλ ‘s style.” Another added: “Dude !!! One day, one day I want to have a physique like you! 😎🙌 ”
Advertised as a neo-noir thriller, Vikram Vedha is inspired by the tale of Vikram aur Betaal. The film tells the story of a tough cop who starts to find and kill an equally tough gangster. This original Tamil blockbuster starring R. Madhavan and Vijay Sethupathi.
Vikram Vedha is expected to be released worldwide on September 30, 2022.
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