Home » Northman makes his debut in three new character posters

Northman makes his debut in three new character posters

by Stewart Cole


The North made the debut of three new character posters this morning, as expectations for the Viking movie rise. This is the last from the director Robert Eggers, and the cast is as all-star as possible: Alexander Skarsgård, Nicole Kidman, Claes Bang, Anya Taylor-Joy, Ethan Hawke, Björkand Willem Dafoe. The film follows a young Viking prince in an attempt to avenge the murder of his father. This is by far the biggest film about Eggers, whose previous films include The witch and The lighthouse, both acclaimed films. You can see the new posters for the upcoming movie below.

Counting down the days until I can watch The Northman

“From the visionary director Robert Eggers comes the NORTH, a story told through the eyes of Hamlet (Skarsgνrd), who witnesses the murder of his father, King Aurvantil (Ethan Hawke), in the hands of Klaes Bang). With his mother, Queen Goodrun (Nicole Kidman), in captivity, Hamlet leaves his homeland. Revenge is sworn by the one who took everything from him. With an all-star cast that includes Alexander Skarsgård, Nicole Kidman, Claes Bang, Anya Taylor-Joy, Ethan Hawke, Bjork and Willem Dafoe.

“It’s basically the story of Hamlet or the Lion King, which was originally an old Scandinavian story where Hamlet’s character was called Hamlet. We said it our way,” Egers told EW. “It is a Viking epic with magic and swords and mysticism and everything you would want from it.” This movie can not get in front of my eyes fast enough. I have high expectations for her and I look forward to one of the best movies we will have in 2022. The Northman premieres on April 22 in theaters.

Posted in: Movie Poster, Movies | Tagged Focus Features, Robert Eggers, North

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