Yash Raj Films makes its first history with Prithviraj, based on the life and bravery of the fearless and powerful Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan. Superstar Akshay Kumar writes the role of the legendary warrior who fought bravely against the ruthless invader Muhammad of Ghor. Akshay revealed the teaser of the film through social media today to the thunderous applause of the audience. The teaser also featured former Miss World 2017, Manushi Chhillar, as Princess Sanyogita, and the actress is shocked by the size of her Bollywood launch vehicle.
Manushi, who made India proud by winning the Miss World crown 17 years after Priyanka Chopra won it for India, says: “I am eternally grateful to YRF and my director Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi who not only believed in me but also made me believe that I could play the role of the legendary Princess Sanyogita. I could not ask for a bigger debut and I feel very honored to be able to play it on screen.
She adds, “Her life, her values, her resilience, her courage, her honor are what legends make and I am so lucky to have known so much about her in the process of preparing and portraying Princess Sanyogita on screen. I hope I have justified her and what she supported. I’m excited that everyone will see her story. “
Manushi has paired with superstar Akshay Kumar in Prithviraj and thanks him for his continued support and faith in her abilities. He says, “I gave my heart, soul and tears to this film and I hope people will like me in trying to play such an iconic real-life legend on the big screen. I am incredibly grateful to have Akshay sir as a pillar of support for me throughout filming. His work ethic, his dedication to handicrafts are an inspiration for me “.
Manushi adds, “I am extremely positive Prithviraj and I know it will entertain audiences around the world with a story of iconic love, legendary bravery and unwavering courage. “I hope to make my family proud of my work and I look forward to their reaction when they see my film.”
The release of Manushi in Bollywood is definitely one of the most anticipated debuts of 2022. Production of Yash Raj Films, Prithviraj directed by Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi who directed the biggest TV epic Chanakya – based on the life and times of India ‘s most important political general and award – winning Pinjar. Prithviraj will be released worldwide on January 21, 2022.
READ ALSO: Prithviraj First look: The history of Akshay Kumar and Manushi Chhillar has to do with heroism, watch the teaser
More pages: Box Office Prithviraj Collection
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