Home » Saudi director Aymen Khoja discusses his latest film ‘Il Signore’

Saudi director Aymen Khoja discusses his latest film ‘Il Signore’

by Stewart Cole

Best and worst: Saudi beauty founder Abeer Sinder discusses style moments and fashion trends

DUBAI: The Saudi entrepreneur, founder of both the SNDR hair care line and SNDR.Co — a brand specializing in wigs, extensions and eyelashes — discusses style moments, fashion trends and good and bad advice.

Best TV show/movie you’ve ever seen?

My favorite movie is “A Walk to Remember”. I am a hopeless romantic and the love story between Landon and Jamie is incredibly touching and beautifully portrayed. The way their relationship transforms them both and the touching yet bittersweet ending make this a truly unforgettable film. It’s perfect for anyone who believes in the power of love and the impact it can have on our lives.

Worst TV show/movie you’ve ever seen?

One of the worst TV shows I have ever seen is “The Bachelor”. While some people find it entertaining, I think it can be overly dramatic and often feels staged. The premise of finding love in such a competitive and artificial environment. Seems unrealistic to me. It lacks genuine connections and meaningful interactions that make other romantic shows or movies enjoyable.

Best personal style moment so far?

One of my personal style highlights so far was attending the Hai Vogue Fashion Experience in Jeddah. I wore a stunning, Saudi designer masterpiece that perfectly combined traditional Saudi elegance with modern fashion trends. The intricate detailing and flattering silhouette made me feel confident and glamorous. It was an unforgettable moment because it allowed me to showcase my unique style and celebrate Saudi Arabian culture on an international platform.

Worst personal style moment?

I honestly don’t think I have a worst personal style moment. I believe that every fashion choice I have made has been a learning experience and part of my journey in developing my unique style. Even if some looks weren’t perfect, they all contributed to the development and understanding of fashion.

The best accessory for a little black dress?

The best accessory for a little black dress is a statement necklace. It adds a touch of elegance and sophistication, instantly highlighting the simplicity of the dress. A bold, statement necklace can make an outfit stand out and draw attention to your face, creating a perfect balance between classic and chic.

The worst accessory for a little black dress?

The beauty of a little black dress is its versatility. You can pair it with literally any accessory—from bold statement pieces to subtle, elegant accents and it will always look great. That’s the magic of the little black dress: it effortlessly adapts to your style!

The best fashion trend of 2024?

One of the best fashion trends of 2024 is the return of timeless classic pieces and 90s style. I love how these trends bring a sense of nostalgia while remaining effortlessly chic and versatile. Timeless classics like tailored blazers and simple silhouettes are staples for any wardrobe, while ’90s-inspired looks like slip dresses and high-waisted jeans add a fun and retro vibe. It’s a perfect combination of elegance and playful nostalgia that allows for endless styling possibilities.

The worst fashion trend of 2024?

I’m not a fan of the resurgence of super low rise jeans. While they had their moment in the early 2000s, they can be quite uncomfortable and challenging to style in a way that looks flattering and modern. They often don’t fit many body types and can limit the versatility of clothing. High-waisted jeans offer a much more flattering and practical alternative, which is why I prefer them to the low-rise trend.

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

The best advice I’ve ever been given is to always stay true to myself and my values. In the world of fashion and social media, it’s easy to get caught up in trends and what others expect of you. However, staying authentic and grounded in who I am has been instrumental to my success and happiness. This advice has helped me navigate my career with confidence and integrity, making choices that align with my true self.

Worst advice you’ve ever been given?

I honestly can’t remember the worst advice I’ve ever been given. I tend to focus on the positive and the lessons learned, so any bad advice was just a stepping stone to better decisions and growth.

Best book you’ve ever read?

The best book I’ve read is The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It is an incredibly insightful book about living in the present moment and understanding the power of our subconscious mind. The way he explains the concept of mindfulness and how our thoughts shape our reality is truly transformative. It’s a powerful read that has profoundly influenced my outlook on life and the power of attraction.

Worst book you’ve ever read?

I don’t think I’ve come across a book that I would consider the worst. Every book I’ve read has provided some value, whether it’s through new ideas, different perspectives, or simply the pleasure of reading. Even if a book is not my favorite, I believe there is always something to learn from it.

What’s the best thing to do when you’re feeling down?

The best thing to do when I feel low is to spend quality time with my family. Their love and support always lifts my spirits and reminds me of what’s really important. Whether I’m playing with my kids, having an honest conversation, or simply enjoying a meal together, being around my loved ones helps me feel grounded and refreshed.

The worst thing you can do when you feel good?

The worst thing to do when you’re feeling good is to overcommit or take on too much at once. It’s easy to get carried away with excitement and agree on multiple tasks or projects, but this can lead to burnout and stress. It is important to enjoy the positive emotions without suppressing yourself, maintaining a balance to maintain your well-being and happiness.

Best holiday destination?

The best holiday destination really depends on the season. Europe in summer is perfect because the countryside is beautiful, the weather is amazing and the kids enjoy it. Plus, I love the rich culture and stunning scenery, and I don’t mind the endless possibilities for content creation!

In winter, Bali or the Maldives are ideal options for me because I don’t like to be cold! It has beautiful warm weather, beautiful beaches and a perfect escape from the winter chill.

Worst holiday destination?

For me, a destination that is overcrowded or lacks natural beauty may not be as pleasant. It is important to choose a vacation spot that matches your interests and provides the relaxation or adventure you are looking for.

Best subject in school?

My favorite subject at school was literature. I loved the poetry and diving into different stories, exploring different writing styles and discussing the themes and characters. It fired my imagination and helped me develop a deeper appreciation for storytelling, which has been invaluable in my career as a content creator and influencer.

Worst subject in school?

The worst subject for me in school was probably maths. While I understand its importance, I found it challenging and less engaging compared to other topics. Abstract concepts and complex problem solving didn’t come as naturally to me, and I often struggled to stay interested. However, I still appreciate the skills it taught me in logical thinking and discipline.

The best thing you can do to ensure you have a productive day?

The best thing to do to ensure you have a productive day is to start with a clear plan and set specific goals. Creating a to-do list and prioritizing tasks helps you stay focused and organized. Getting up early is also important as it gives you a head start and more time to achieve your goals. Also, starting the day with a healthy routine, such as a good breakfast and some exercise, can boost your energy and mindset, setting a positive tone for the rest of the day. This approach helps me maximize efficiency and ensures I complete important tasks.

Worst thing to do when trying to have a productive day?

The worst thing to do when trying to have a productive day is start by checking social media or other distractions. It’s easy to lose track of time and get caught up in browsing, which can derail your focus and reduce your effectiveness.

Best concert you’ve ever been to?

I’ve only been to MDLBeast – believe it or not – but the energy was electric. The performances were top notch and the atmosphere was unforgettable. It really set a high bar for any future concerts I might attend.

Worst concert you’ve ever been to?

I haven’t been to others.

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