Back in 2019, Shah Rukh Khan announced Red Chillies Production Bob Bisvas starring Abhishek Bachchan. The film is a spin-off of Vidya Balan Καχαάνι. In the midst of the pandemic, the creators began filming in Calcutta and completed the film itself in 2020. As cinemas now open in 2021, many production companies continue to opt for digital releases and Bob Bisvas seems to be going for OTT traffic as well.

According to a tabloid post, Abhishek Bachchan is key Bob Bisvas will premiere live on ZEE5. The manufacturers are currently discussing the release date after the deal is locked. The group is excited that viewers are enjoying the crime thriller. While Abhishek Bachchan has undergone a transformation for the role, Chitrangada Singh’s character remains hidden.

The movie is a spin-off of the character of Bob Biswas commented by Saswata Chatterjee in the movie superhit Καχαάνι starring Vidya Balan. The film is funded by Gauri Khan, Sujoy Ghosh and Gaurav Verma, a directorial debut for Diya Ghosh and the screenplay by Sujoy Ghosh.

READ ALSO: Amazon Original Breathe: Into The Shadows by Abhishek Bachchan and Nithya Menen with green light for a new season

More pages: Bob Biswas Box Office Collection


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