Actor Thakur Anoop Singh, who is known for his films like Commando 2and Syria Singam 3, is ready to win the silver screen again, but now as a protagonist. After the completion of the shooting for the Hindi remake of the south Singam 3, the actor is preparing for the next one. The former Mr. World 2015, Thakur Anoop Singh turns his back and is determined to attract his audience with his amazing acting. Shortly after the completion of the shooting of the Hindi remake of the southern film, Singam 3, The actor will now appear to play the lead role in the film Control. Starring southern actress Priya Anand.
Thakur Anoop Singh starred in the Bollywood Control movie
Speaking of signing Control, says Anoop, “This is nothing short of a dream come true for me. Everything from the story to the cast is just amazing, so I’m very excited to start shooting this movie.” He adds, “The film revolves around an army officer fighting for his childhood friend who was caught in an online scam.”
The film is a co-production of Jayantilal Gada and Yashi and began filming last weekend.
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