Bollywood actor Pankaj Tripathi recently shared a taste of his upcoming film. Srijit Mukherji’s upcoming film “Sherdil: The Pilibhit Saga” is set to hit theaters on June 24, the creators said on Wednesday. Inspired by true events, the film is described as “satire with dark humor”. Starring Pankaj Tripathi, Neeraj Kabi and Sayani Gupta.
Actor Pankaj Tripathi uploaded to his Instagram account and shared photos from the film as he wrote, “Sherdil – The Pilibhit Saga” produced by T-Series, Reliance Entertainment and directed by 5-time National Award-winning director Srijit Mukherji, with directed release on June 24. “
According to the creators, the film will present a “far-sighted story about the negative effects of urbanization, human-animal conflict and poverty leading to a strange practice in a village at the edge of a forest.” “Sherdil – The Pilibhit Saga” is Mukherji’s second Hindi film after the 2017 season drama “Begum Jaan”, starring Vidya Balan.
Mukherji said he was inspired by the incident caused by “tragic practices” in villages bordering the Pilibhit Tiger refuge. “It takes a lot of courage to sacrifice one’s life to save a family, and my film revolves around this heroism centered on man and a conflict of nature.
“This issue is very close to my heart and I hope it sparks the same emotions as the public on various social issues in our society,” the director said in a statement.
“Sherdil: The Pilibhit Saga” is presented by Gulshan Kumar, T-Series Film and Reliance Entertainment. The film is directed by Bhushan Kumar, Reliance Entertainment and Match Cut Productions Private Limited.
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