Home » The Strangers has three new horror movies in the works

The Strangers has three new horror movies in the works

by Stewart Cole

The Home Invasion Slasher is an ever-popular sub-genre in horror films, and over ten years since its release in 2008 – Bryan Bertino’s The Strangers has only achieved cult classic status. It had an extreme sequel released a decade after its release in 2018, called The Strangers: Prey at Night, but fans wondered if the idea would return again.

Home invasion movies include Straw Dogs (1971), The Last House on the Left (1972), Funny Games (1997 and 2007), You’re Next (2011), Us (2019), and Villains (2019). Although not well received by critics upon release, The Strangers’ reputation has grown over the years as one of the finest examples of the genre.

The Strangers is known for the now famous series. “Why are you doing this to us?” and the answer; “Because you were home.” Famed horror film producer Roy Lee was recently asked if we’ll be seeing any more of The Strangers in the The Boo Crew Podcast. His answer was certainly surprising. “I think the next three are in production next month with another director that people will know.”

Three movies?! While this may seem unlikely, the next visit from The Strangers could potentially be a Fear Street Trilogy deal. Fear Street was a trio of connected horror films from the same director (Leigh Janiak) released one week apart on Netflix in July 2021. Lee says that he thinks going into production next month sounds pretty vague though.

Lee also doesn’t mention Bryan Bertino’s involvement, since he wrote and directed the first film and wrote the second, you’d assume he’d have some sort of involvement if the ‘franchise’ continued.

While we wait for more news on The Strangers, check out our guide to the best horror movies on Amazon Prime.

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