The protagonist of Ajay Devgn, Amitabh Bachchan and Rakul Preet Singh, MayDay, has a new title. The film now has a title Corridor 34. The creators also shared the posters of the first look of the starring cast. The film also stars Angira Dhar and directs Devgn. After the three stars shared a teaser on social media platforms on Sunday, the first poster was unveiled on November 29.
Ajay Devgn unveiled the poster of the first appearance and wrote the caption:MayDay is now Runway 34. A high-octane thriller inspired by true events that stands out to me for more than one reason! # Runway34 “Landing on April 29, 2022, as promised.”
MayDay is now Runway 34. A high-octane thriller inspired by true events that stands out to me for more than one reason! # Runway34 – Landing on April 29, 2022, as promised ????@SrBachchan @Rakulpreet @bomanirani @CarryMinati @ aakanksha_s30 angira_dhar @ADFFilms
– Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) November 29, 2021
MayDay is now Runway 34. Get ready for a trip you will never forget.
Inspired by true events, # Runway34 landing on April 29, 2022! ????@SrBachchan @ajaydevgn @Rakulpreet @bomanirani @CarryMinati @ aakanksha_s30 angira_dhar @ADFFilms– Rakul Singh (@Rakulpreet) November 29, 2021
The T 4112 – MayDay is now the Runway 34 .. Fasten your seat belts and sit tight! ✈️ .. Inspired by true events .. # Runway34 landing on April 29, 2022! @ajaydevgn @Rakulpreet @bomanirani @CarryMinati @ aakanksha_s30 angira_dhar @ADFFilms
– Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) November 29, 2021
Ajay Devgn production under the banner of Ajay Devgn Ffilms, distress signal He is a co-producer of Kumar Mangat, Vikrant Sharma, Hasnain Husaini, Jay Kanujia, Sandeep Kewlani and Tarlok Singh. Directed by Ajay Devgn, the film is set to release on April 29, 2022.
READ ALSO: Amitabh Bachchan shares an invisible photo with Harivansh’s father Rai Bachchan on the latter’s birthday
More pages: Box Office Runway Collection 34
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