Actor Ranveer Singh, wife Deepika Padukone, 83 director Kabir Khan and his wife Mini Mathur made an imperial appearance at the recently held Jeddah Film Festival. The stars along with former cricket legend Kapil Dev and his wife Romi made their appearance at the festival where 83 was also shown to the public.
While Ranveer Singh, as usual, stood out with the unparalleled sense of style as he wore a yellow-green plaid suit for the occasion minus the shirt that caught the eye as usual, while Deepika looked elegant in a floor-length dress. Former celebrity cricketer Mohinder Amarnath also accompanied the celebrities.
Retro feel ????????#RanveerSingh
– ????????????????????? (@sultaneveer) December 16, 2021
Videos and photos from the occasion have gone viral on the internet. While in a joint excerpt, fans could hear Ranveer Singh’s name on another thread, we saw Kapil Dev channeling Ranveer as he made a small jig at the premiere while snacking.
It seems that Mr. Kapil was very excited to watch the movie. His dance ;;;;;;; ❤️
– meena | 83 on December 24 (@yehlaalishqq) December 16, 2021
#RanveerSingh #kapildev
– ????????????????????? (@sultaneveer) December 16, 2021
The movie 83 revolves around the story of the Indian cricket team’s victory in the 1983 World Cup as it won the finals against the West Indies country. In addition to Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, 83 Starring Tahir Raj Bhasin, Jiiva, Saqib Saleem, Jatin Sarna, Chirag Patil, Dinker Sharma, Nishant Dahiya, Sahil Khattar, Ammy Virk, Addinath Kothare, Dhairya Karwa, R Badree and Pankaj Tripathi.
83 will hit the big screen on December 24th.
Read also: The Deepika Padukone looks great with ruffles off-the-shoulder toilet in mermaid style for 83 deals
More Pages: 83 Box Office Collection
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