Several members of the Kapoor family, including Ranbir Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, Randhir Kapoor, Aadar Jain, Armaan Jain and Rima Jain, watched a special screening of the latest film by the late Rajiv Kapoor Toolsidas Junior in Mumbai on Thursday. Presented by T-Series Ashutosh Gowariker and Bhushan Kumar.
Rajiv, Raj Kapoor’s youngest son, died of a heart attack on February 9, 2021. Toolsidas Junior was to mark his return to acting after three decades. The shooting was completed shortly before his death.
Directed by Mridul, Toolsidas Junior is said to be an inspirational sports drama starring Sanjay Dutt. The film is produced by Ashutosh and Sunita Gowariker under the banner Ashutosh Gowariker Productions along with Bhushan and Krishan Kumar under the T series.
At the time of Rajiv’s death, Ashutosh said: “I have been a big fan of Rajiv Kapoor since the days of Ram Teri Ganga Maili. It was a great performance at the debut. I had this memory with me for many years and then we connected several times from Lagaan. And when an opportunity came in the form of my production of Toolsidas Junior (directed by Mridul), I put it in it. It was really great to work with Rajiv. In the sets, he was an absolute professional. And he played the role with so much fun, dignity and ease. “
See also: Ashutosh Gowariker heartbeat Rajiv Kapoor could not watch his latest movie Toolsidas Junior
“What a kind man he was. His appearance at Toolsidas Junior is going to surprise everyone. Unfortunately, he will not be there to enjoy the rewards he was definitely going to receive. My team had just called him a few days ago to set up his interviews to promote Toolsidas Junior. “And now, I still can not believe that I’m talking about him in the past,” he added.
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