Home » Abbotsford Screenwriter / Director Raises Funds for Autism Love Story – Abbotsford News

Abbotsford Screenwriter / Director Raises Funds for Autism Love Story – Abbotsford News

by Stewart Cole

A former Abbotsford resident has been raising money for many years to make a new feature film described as an “autistic neuro-typical love story.”

Director and writer Joel Reimer, who also belongs to the autism spectrum, is collaborating with producers Braydon Langford and Kevin Parkhouse on Cognizant Love.

The film tells the story of an informal man and a neurotypical woman who find love after a catastrophic separation.

Nick Wangersky, an actor on the autism spectrum, plays the film’s protagonist, Jake.

The all-Canadian cast also includes Asiah Holm, Silvana Estifanos, Morgan LeBlanc and Sahana Sidhu.

The film will be shot in Vancouver and Cortes Island.

“Cognitive Love is the opportunity we personally have to put my money where our mouth is and tell a truly compelling love story,” Reimer said.

He said that because the producers “come and go”, they do not have the support of Hollywood studios and have to finance their films from their own pockets.

They started a campaign that supplied the crowd, hoping to raise at least $ 12,000 to pay the cast and crew.

“The best possible result we hope is to raise enough money to pay our union’s cast and crew percentages, while offering the public a Hollywood-level viewing experience,” the campaign said.

You can find the campaign through IndieGoGo.com by searching “Aware of Love Film. »

Born and raised in Abbotsford and now living in Vancouver, Reimer has previously launched a public-funded campaign to produce a pilot for a TV series called Into Wild Vancouver. The purpose of the show was to take a closer look at the wildlife and landscapes of the Greater Vancouver area.

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