Actor Adivi Sesh, who plays Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan in the upcoming film “Major”, held a small meeting to honor the memories of the brave heart he gave his life in the tragic attacks of 26/11 in Mumbai, in the presence of his parents of Sandeep Unnikrishnan, K Unnikrishnan and Dhanalakshmi Unnikrishnan.
Every year, Sandeep Unnikrishnan parents fly to Mumbai to visit the Taj Mahal Palace as an ode to the memories of their beloved son.
During this film, the bond between Sesh and Major Sandeep’s parents only deepened and became richer. So this year, Seshis not only participated in the Unnikrishnan family’s annual ritual, but also invited Sandeep Unnikrishnan’s parents to a small gathering to remember the son of India, who sacrificed his life for the safety of the people of India.
Bringing to the screen the untold story of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, the multilingual film “Major” describes the journey of the brave heart from childhood, adolescence, the glorious years in the army to the tragic events of the Bombay attack where he witnessed the different aspects of it. being. Placed on a large scale, the group shared the teaser earlier, with a wave of emotion, the visually striking teaser hit the chord with the audience generating impatience for the film.
Directed by Sashi Kiran Tikka, the film starring Adivi Sesh, Sobhita Dhulipala, Saiee Manjrekar, Prakash Raj, Revathi and Murli Sharma will be released in Hindi, Telugu and Malayalam.
Produced by Sony Pictures Films India in collaboration with GMB Entertainment and A + S Movies by Mahesh Babu, Major is scheduled to hit theaters worldwide on February 11, 2022.
READ ALSO: The protagonist of Adivi Sesh Major will be released in cinemas on February 11, 2022
More pages: Major Box Office Collection
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