Home » Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son, Joseph Baena, is the completely young version of his dad in the shooting of his new film

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son, Joseph Baena, is the completely young version of his dad in the shooting of his new film

by Stewart Cole

Of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s five children, two followed in his footsteps in acting: Patrick Schwarzenegger and Joseph Baena. As for the latter, you may recall that five years ago, Baena recreated one of his father’s most memorable scenes since 1991. Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Now, in the shooting of his new film, Baena is once again launching the completely newer version of Arnold Schwarzenegger, albeit in a different way.

Joseph Baena currently works at Bitflix’s Lava, the first film in the world to be fully funded by encryption. While no details have been made known about LavaHis case or who Baena is posing, the actor shared a photo of him Instagram during filming in Honolulu, Hawaii, and it looks like his father was pulled from the past decades to the present. See for yourself!

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