Jeremy Irons, known worldwide for portraying Scar in the original The Lion King, returned to express a new animal cartoon character for a feature-length animated film. Irons, also known for his role as a Batman butler Zack Synder’s Justice League, will lend his talents to bring Birds like us in life for the public.
The film was originally released in 2017 and was the first Bosnian full-length animated film. The new trailer identifies it as the “movie of 2021”, although apart from the trailer it is very different from the original, there is no news yet on what differences there will be. You can watch the brand new trailer above.
The film also features vocal talents from some other lesser known actors who have still played important roles. Kevin Bishop, best known for his role as Jim Hawkin Muppet Treasure Island and starring in his own play, he plays Hassan in the film.
Oscar winner Alicia Vikander of Tomb Raider Reputation is also included in the cast as Huppu. Sheridan Smith, an actress who has appeared in countless TV series and dramas, yells at Gavra. Last but not least, Professor Slughorn from Harry Potter – Jim Broadbent – is also part of the cast as Kondor.
While Birds like us With just € 7.5 million initially, it looks like Lionsgate Movies hopes to bring it to a whole new audience when it hits Digital, On Demand and DVD on January 25, 2022.