Akshay Kumar and Jacqueline Fernandez are busy shooting for their upcoming project. Ram Setu. Recently, the cast star met Administrator Praful Patel while filming in Daman. The team recently completed the Ooty program. After that, they were supposed to start filming in Sri Lanka. However, sources say that due to license complications, the film will be shot in Daman. A photo of Akki and Jacqueline meeting as they meet Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman-Diu and Lakshadweep manager amid the shootings Ram Setu.
Patel used Twitter to share photos from their meeting. He wrote on Twitter: “Bollywood actor and celebrity @akshaykumar and actress @Asli_Jacqueline, who were Daman’s guests for the filming of ‘Ramsetu’, met today. Akshay thanked UT’s management for the huge support and praise Daman’s beauty. “
Bollywood actor and celebrity @akshaykumar and actor @Asli_Jacqueline , who were Daman ‘s guests for the filming of “Ramsetu”, met today. Akshay thanked UT’s management for their tremendous support and praised Daman’s beauty. pic.twitter.com/1HllrcD4ft
– Praful K Patel (@prafulkpatel) November 22, 2021
On the job front, Akshay was last seen on Rohit Shetty’s Sooryavanshi opposite Katrina Kaif. He is preparing for his release Prithviraj with Miss World 2017, Manushi Chhillar. In which, Akki plays the role of warriors who fought bravely against the ruthless invader Muhammad of Ghor. The film will be released worldwide on January 21, 2022.
Read also: Akshay Kumar completes Ram Setu’s Ooty program. shares a stunning photo with Jacqueline Fernandez and Satyadev
More pages: Ram Setu Box Office Collection
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