Home » Janey Godley is having fun in the new movie A Castle for Christmas with a great voice

Janey Godley is having fun in the new movie A Castle for Christmas with a great voice

by Stewart Cole

Janey Godley left fans in stitches with another of her famous voices.

This time, however, it had nothing to do with the First Minister’s briefing on the coronavirus, and instead targeted Netflix’s new Christmas movie, A Castle For Christmas.

The film, starring Brooke Shields, is about an American bestselling writer who travels to Scotland where he falls in love with a castle (actually a mansion) and is confronted by the grumpy “Duke of Danbar” who owns it.

And when Brooke’s character speaks to the Duke, Jenny says, “Guess you’s supposed to own this castle? I wrote it fearlessly in this letter! Guess what!”

“Has he touched yer b *****?


“Then smart?”

And the fans were in hysteria.

One wrote: “Crying as soon as I finished watching this movie tonight. My God, 1 hour and 50 minutes of my life I will never return.”

Another added: “The worst Christmas movie of all time! I was slightly offended by the Scots! AAAAA AND it’s not even a castle !!”

While one said: “I watched it last week and it was so horrible !! The accents were awful, I much prefer ours.”

And one wrote: “Our Janey. Nailing it as always!”

While one commented: “I started seeing it last night. It lasted about 10 minutes. The Scottish accents drove me crazy. And the knitting team said it all.”

When Netflix revealed the preview of the new movie on Twitter, something told us that even they were not convinced.

They wrote: “A CASTLE FOR CHRISTMAS is coming to Netflix on November 26, including Brooke Shields and the most accurate Scotland portion ever seen on screen. Honest.”

You can follow Janey Godley’s latest voice on Twitter ..

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