Home » Justice’ For Johnny Depp Approaches New Milestone Weeks After Defamation Trial With Amber Heard Ends

Justice’ For Johnny Depp Approaches New Milestone Weeks After Defamation Trial With Amber Heard Ends

by Stewart Cole

One of the immediate consequences of the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard libel lawsuit was increased attention to many reports. The ones included a petition to bring back Johnny Depp for more Pirates of the Caribbeanone petition for severance of Amber Heard Aquaman 2 (which we know doesn’t happen, though Heard’s role was reportedly limited in the DC sequel), and a demand to bring “justice” to Johnny Depp. The latter seems to be continuing to go strong in the weeks following the verdict in Amber Heard and Johnny Depp’s trial, adding new signatories by the day as it nears a brand new goal.

According to the latest batch of signatures, the infamous “Justice for Johnny Depp” Change.org the report is approaching a new target. Over 780,530 signatures have been gathered at the time of writing and the benchmark is currently at 1 million. Of course, the point of the report – which is to get Depp back to “what he does best” also ties in some interesting tidbits related to the actor’s career.

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