Dhanush reportedly met Res L Rai in Mumbai, and the actor has also undergone a look test to confirm his fourth Bollywood film and third with the director. The official announcement regarding Dhanush’s reunion with Anand L Rai will be made soon.
Dhanush is currently working on ‘Captain Miller’ and the dashing actor was spotted jogging Madurai in the latest video recorded by a fan. The final program ofCaptain Milleris set to start soon and Dhanush has started preparations to resume the shoot. The Arun Matheswaran-directed film’s first look and teaser are slated to be released in June and July, respectively, while the film aims to hit theaters in October. Dhanush will be seen as a warrior in the film which is set in a pre-Independence period and fans are excited to see the first look of the actor.
“Typical alcohol specialist. Music evangelist. Total travel scholar. Internet buff. Passionate entrepreneur.”