Home » Shah Rukh Khan launches wife Gauri Khan’s new book ‘My Life in Design’ in Mumbai

Shah Rukh Khan launches wife Gauri Khan’s new book ‘My Life in Design’ in Mumbai

by Joe Bourn
Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan launched his wife and designer Gauri Khan‘new book’My life in designat an event in Mumbai on 15 May 2023.
Gauri, who is a famous celebrity interior designer, writes about her professional journey on this coffee table, which also includes some exclusive photos of her and her family – Shah Rukh Khan, and their children Aryan, Suhana and Abram. The book also contains some unseen images of their Mumbai residence, Mannat, and the thought process that went into its creation, along with other key projects he has worked on.
“By normal standards, I should have no choice but to come here. My wife is publishing a book, so I have to be here. Husbands sometimes talk like that, but I’m talking as a person… We’re married each other for over 30 years. She was 14, I was 18 when we met, and we’ve known each other for many years. And sometimes when you know each other for many, many years, your sense of appreciation for each other begins to diminish because you start taking each other for granted.I have been doing what I have been doing for a long time and Gauri has played her role in the best possible way.We have raised three beautiful children.She was the wife of a film star who became extremely popular by God’s grace … I ask her sometimes, ‘Why do you have to do so much work?’ and he says ‘Because it satisfies me’. And I think this book represents that–follow your dreams and whatever satisfies you. At home, we have no choice and we have to eat together. At the end of it dinner, the conversation it’s ‘It was a fulfilling day,’ because she believes that a fulfilling day is a happy day. It’s very important to do that. That’s what we learned from her and I hope everyone who reads the book will too… The people who feel the dreams them to pass, you can come back to it and try it at any age. Even without any formal education, which he didn’t get because he got married very early. However, you can do something that will make you very satisfied. Thank you, Gauri , that you have found this mantra for success in the family,” said Shah Rukh at the launch of the book.
The launch was followed by a short talk by Gauri and Shah Rukh with Milee Ashwarya, Editor- Penguin Random House India, where they talked about the new book and their life as a family.

Shah Rukh Khan and wife Gauri Khan talk about the latter’s new book ‘My Life in Design’ in Mumbai

Talking about how their Mannat house was designed, Shah Rukh revealed, “I said ‘Listen Gauri, you have the artistic talent, so why don’t you become the designer of the house’ and Mannat started like that. With the money we made over the years, we kept buying little things. I remember once we went to South Africa to buy leather for the sofa and little things like that. That’s what made her start designing. For me it’s really nice that I don’t have to look for another designer (joke).”
When Milee asked Gauri to talk a bit about the content of the book, the latter said, “The best part of the book, I’d say, is the family photos we’ve taken together. To have them all under one roof ( It was (a job). It was easy to get Shah Rukh’s date. We were just waiting for Aryan’s date all the time– when will he give me time. And when will AbRam give me time for this shoot together Well, I loved that really, except for the design.”
Milee also told Shah Rukh, “In the book, you say that Gauri brings her personal touch to everything she works on…” When asked to elaborate, Shah Rukh said, “I’ve seen some of the parts that has designs. When we go there, the kids say, “Oh, Mom designed this piece”– there’s that personal touch, and she takes it very seriously. In our family, we work very hard, we’re very professional about getting everything, what should be done. It is a culture that we follow in the family. But, somewhere down there, when it comes to houses and homes, there is a double responsibility. It is not just a movie that everyone likes, but In a house, families should live there. and love it to death. I see her working early in the morning to make a place a home or an office that feels lived in. I think it’s an important aspect and she spends maximum time on it.”
The conversation was soon over and a quick photo shoot of the power couple with the new book followed.
Gauri Khan’s ‘My Life in Design’ is published by Penguin India.

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