Home » Stephen King saw the Flash movie early, and is a big fan: “I loved it

Stephen King saw the Flash movie early, and is a big fan: “I loved it

by Stewart Cole

Andy Muschietti’s director The lightning The film is already riding high on a wave of positive buzz. The film is still weeks away from a theatrical release, but an unfinished version premiered at CinemaCon last month and received a very positive response on social media. Fans are already gearing up to see the new blockbuster from DC Studios, but the hype is ramping up today thanks to the fact that Stephen King has joined the chorus singing the film’s praises.

King has a previous relationship with the director, having directed Andy Muschietti IT: Chapter One and IT: Chapter Twoand it feels safe to assume that she helped him see it early on The lightning. The writer shared his take on the film on his personal Twitter page, saying that while he doesn’t usually like superhero movies, this one is “special.” See his full message below:

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