Sunny Deol will soon be seen in Chup: Revenge of the Artist alongside Dulquer Salmaan, Pooja Bhatt and Shreya Dhanwanthary. The R Balki directorial will release on September 23. Sunny, who has been busy with the film’s promotions, was recently asked if critics’ reviews affected him and if these reviews had any kind of impact on a film’s prospects and box office . Read also: Chup Revenge of the Artist trailer is a tribute to Guru Dutt
Sunny’s upcoming film Chup: Revenge of the Artist is touted as a psychopathic thriller. The film is said to be a tribute to the late director Guru Dutt and his classic Kaagaz Ke Phool of 1959. The film, starring Guru Dutt and Waheeda Rehman, was heavily criticized upon its release and was only later revived as a classic.
Now, Sunny Deol has spoken about how critics have the right to say good or bad things about films and actors. “I think they are doing their job, what they have to do, as if we are acting, and they have the right to say good or bad about us. And as I said earlier, when we come to this area, we are very emotional and emotional and you get angry that’s why you slowly learn not to take it too seriously,” Sunny told Pinkvilla.
Talking about whether film reviews by critics had any kind of impact on a film’s box office collections, Sunny said, “I don’t think it matters that much because I feel that the real (a) filmmaker doesn’t look at the trailer and wants to he goes to the movie theater and goes out for that intoxication, and that’s why the viewer sees a movie and not because someone else says, and it can be measured by the trailer. That’s the beauty of cinema.”
Chup: Revenge of the Artist is an attempt to explore the trauma of an artist, who is judged after presenting a creation in public, according to filmmaker R Balki. In a recent interview, he told news agency PTI, “For me, (it was about) being sensitive to artists. Guru Dutt sahab (sir) is one of the greatest artists who suffered from wrong criticism. Now the same community, we all call Kaagaz Ke Phool a ‘masterpiece’. It is ironic. How hurt must that person have been at that moment?’
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