Home » The Kamloops Film Society is looking for a new location after the early shutdown of Twin Rivers Drive-In | Radio NL

The Kamloops Film Society is looking for a new location after the early shutdown of Twin Rivers Drive-In | Radio NL

by Stewart Cole

The Twin Rivers Drive-In at Tournament Capital Ranch in Rayleigh. (Photo via Daniel at Kamloops KIA/Facebook)

An early end to the Twin Rivers Drive-In season at Tournament Capital Ranch in Rayleigh.

Kamloops Film Society executive director Dusan Magdolen says they ended things a month early — partly because of the smoke — but also because their inflatable screen wasn’t doing too well in the winds.

“Last year we only ran in September and we were in a different spot, so maybe how the screen was placed and where it was, maybe the wind didn’t do as much damage, but this year, yeah, even getting it to stand up was an issue basically every evening,” Magdolen told the NL Noon Report.

“And then yes, a lot of holes have been torn as the wind pulls it.”

Last month, Magdolen told Radio NL it was too early to tell whether the drive-in – which was in its fourth season at a third location – could find a permanent home next to the Tournament Capital Ranch in Rayleigh.

However, that won’t happen, as he noted that the Kamloops Film Society is also looking for a new home for the drive-in. Magdolen says they’re looking for someone with three to four acres of land that’s flat, or sloping to one side, – within 30 minutes of Kamloops – that can be used in July, August and September.

“The Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc have been amazing partners, they have exciting plans for their entire country and they cannot make multi-year commitments at this time,” Magdolen added.

“At where we were this year, some of the iterations of the future plans include a drive-in, but they don’t know exactly where. It’s definitely a game every year, but they just need somewhere we can put down some root because it’s clear that this blowout trajectory isn’t going to work.”

He says parking lots or farmer’s fields are all possibilities, noting that while the Film Society expects to be on site from July to September, it will leave things like this permanent screen and perhaps a concessions structure or box office on site. place all year round.

It would also require vehicle access from at least one, but ideally two points, with other amenities such as toilets and electricity an advantage, but not essential.

Magdolen says the Film Society is only able to offer a small lease payment as it is a charitable non-profit, although it is also able to offer a sponsorship credit.

More to come

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