Vicky Kaushal was last seen Sardar Udam and now he is on the moon as his film has been named the “Best Hindi Movie with a Social Message” of 2021 by Forbes. The actor took the title of Indian freedom fighter Sardar Udam Singh and received a lot of love and praise for his work. The film was made by Shoojit Sircar and is available on Amazon Prime Video.
Best Forbes Hindi Movie with a Social Message
Vicky Kaushal-protagonist Sardar Udam was named the best Hindi movie of 2021 with a social message from Forbes. The film is about the life of Sardar Udham Singh, the man known for the murder of Michael O’Dwyer to avenge the massacre of Jallianwala Bagh. In addition to Kaushal, the film also saw Shaun Scott, Banita Sandhu, Stephen Hogan, Amol Parashar and Kirsty Averton play key roles.
On December 26, Vicky Kaushal paid tribute to Sardar Udham Singh on the occasion of the 122nd anniversary of his birth. The actor posted a picture of the revolutionary and himself as Sardar Udam on the screen as he wrote, “I remember Sahid Sardar Udam Singh on his 122nd birthday today (December 26, 1899 – July 31, 1940) 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽. ” The actor had also earlier recreated a photo of the great freedom fighter and posted it on social media.
The actor recently celebrated two months since the release of the film and said it was a “great learning journey” for him. He also expressed his gratitude to the director of the film as he published a snapshot of his most recent release. The caption read: “This film was a journey of great learning for me as an artist and as a human being. Gratitude for all the love that keeps falling in. #SardarUdham # 2months.”
Kaushal is now ready to take on a role in another biopic. He will soon take the place of Sam Manekshaw, the country’s first Marshal and Chief of Staff during the Indo-Pakistan War in 1971. The film will be titled Sam Bahadur and Kaushal took to Instagram recently to welcome Sanya Malhotra and Fatima Shaikh to the film. In the caption, he revealed what roles the actors will take in the film as he wrote: “It’s a very special day for us as we celebrate our director @meghnagulzar’s birthday and welcome top ladies @sanyamalhotra_ as Silloo Manekshaw & @fatimtanasha. Indira Gandhi in the #Sam οικογένεια family! “.
Image: Instagram / @ vickykaushal09
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