The film Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, starring Vicky and Sara, released last Friday, but its first day collection at the box office was just Rs 5.5 crore. On Saturday, however, business soared and fetched 7.2 crores. Early projections at the box office suggest that the film should comfortably fetch around 24+ crores nett in the first weekend. This will be a big relief for Bollywood as the first and second week earnings might go up significantly because there is a possibility that the film will easily earn between 65 to 85 crores nett in few weeks.
This is probably Bollywood’s biggest hit since The kerala Story, something they didn’t expect from this modest film directed by Laxman Utekar of Luka Chuppi and Mimi fame. The fact that Vicky-Sara’s film actually saved them has given Bollywood exhibitors and distributors a sense of relief. The story revolves around a couple who wants to get a divorce so that they can inherit some assets.
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