As the news of the wedding of the actor-couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt makes the rounds, the RK Studios of the Kapoor family were illuminated with lights. In a video posted by a paparazzi Instagram account, the portal appeared lit. (Read also | Ranbir Kapoor’s house was decorated before his wedding to Alia Bhatt, fans want confirmation: “We will not be allowed anyway”)
The trees around the complex were also decorated with lights. Many photos from the studio, located in Chembur, Mumbai, are also making the rounds on social media.
Reacting to the clip, a fan said: “The best superstars of this generation are marrying each other !!!! Could it become more iconic than that?” Another person said, “So beautiful.” Another fan also said, “I can not wait.”
Earlier Sunday, Ranbir Kapoor’s new home in Bandra was also adorned with rows of lights. Several videos from the Krishna Raj bungalow, which is under construction, showed workers decorating the bungalow with LED lights. Ranbir, Alia and Neetu Kapoor have visited the site several times in the past to check on the progress of construction.
Although the couple was silent about their wedding date, it has been reported that it will be a 4-day relationship at RK home from April 13 onwards. The couple will reportedly host a grand reception at the luxury Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai on April 17.
Ranbir and Alia fell in love with each other on the set of their upcoming movie Brahmastra. The duo made their first appearance as a couple at Sonam Kapoor’s wedding reception in 2018. The couple has talked about their relationship – sharing photos from many vacations together and visiting each other’s house for family reunions on many occasions.
Alia and Ranbir will appear together on screen for the first time in Ayan Mukerji’s Brahmastra. The film will be released this year on September 9. The film also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna Akkineni, Mouni Roy.
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