During a meeting with Lok Sabha President Om Birla on Saturday, Tajik Foreign Minister Sirojiddin Muhriddin revealed that he was a fan of Bollywood movies. He said that his favorite actor has always been Dharmendra. In it, Birla told him that Dharmendra’s wife Hema Malini and his son Sunny Deol were both MPs. The Tajik minister also sang the song Roop Tera Mastana by Aradhana. Sources said that Bollywood seems to have become an important point in the diplomatic talks. Earlier, even the Mongolian delegation told the speaker about their love for Himanshu Soni, the actor who played the Buddha in the series Buddha-Rajaon Ka Raja.
PRIME MINISTER Narendra Modi’s advice to his ministers to travel to reach out to the youth seems to have yielded some positive results for Rajeev Chandrasekhar. The Secretary of State for Skills Development and Entrepreneurship, who was in Dubai earlier this month, happened to meet a young businessman at the Dubai Expo booth in India, who wanted to meet him separately. The minister had assured him that he would give time if he came to India. This weekend, Chandrasekhar, who in Lucknow for the start-up inauguration, met the same person at the service. The minister then went ahead and helped him get some help from the state government as he had requested. The minister mentions the incident to emphasize the need to travel and approach.
VP’s Day Out
It is not very often that the Vice President of the country enjoys a day as a regular citizen. At the weekend, M Venkaiah Naidu had one such day when he attended the convocation of his granddaughter Immani Sushma Chaudhary at a private university in the National Capital Territory. When asked to speak at the ceremony, which he attended in person as his wife, Naidu argued that education has the potential to revolutionize society.
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