Home » Jenna Golden watched all 41 of Hallmark’s new Christmas movies. Some of them, he says, are really good.

Jenna Golden watched all 41 of Hallmark’s new Christmas movies. Some of them, he says, are really good.

by Stewart Cole

Media and policy consultant Jenna Golden watched and ranked all 41 of Hallmark’s new Christmas movies. Photo courtesy of Jenna Golden on Twitter.

For the past two months, Jenna Golden has been organizing her 2021 Christmas Weekends movie schedule. The company released a record 41 films this year, and Golden says it owed it to itself — and to its followers— watch and rate every one.

Although she was told she was “out of brand name”, Golden, a DC political media consultant, has been ranking these cultural products for the past three years. She started to see them as funny, but she really likes them, especially as the network “takes huge steps to be much more comprehensive”, including recruitment Wonya Lucas as CEO.

“It’s light, it’s easy, it’s enjoyable,” says Golden. “People are complicated. “These films are not complicated.”

Her ratings are on a five-star scale and Golden has set strict rules for herself to maintain the integrity of her system. First, it has clear guidelines for what it is looking for: chemistry, a diverse cast, a modern history and the kiss. “The kiss matters. “Sometimes there is literally just one kiss,” he says. Another rule, since Golden posts its reviews on Twitter in real time: It does not allow itself to change the number of stars retroactively.

In general, Golden will know in the first 15 minutes if she will like a movie. And since Hallmark recycles so many plot lines, it’s easy for Golden to recognize her lesser-known favorites, such as those about magic or kittens (she does not like cats). But this year, he saw more original stories, which was “very refreshing”.

“One of the things that started to go well this year with a few movies is less focus on the protagonists they fall in love with and more focus on an ensemble cast,” says Golden. Every time a bell rings, who took second place in her ranking, was followed by three distant sisters who returned home for the holidays.

They also review the troparion of the Girl of the Big City with her work in the Big City that throws it all away after reconnecting with her boyfriend in high school. “I think Hallmark has taken a more feminist twist, meaning women have the power to make decisions, it’s not the man’s decision to decide the outcome of her future, so at least that has changed,” says Golden.

Hallmark is competing these days, with Netflix, Lifetime and Hulu creating their own standard holiday movies. But seeing Hallmark create the warm, nostalgic and happy genre, Golden still says it’s “GOAT”. Although Golden may sometimes sound like a Hallmark cheerleader, she is just a fan, she says, and “has no relationship, sponsorship or agreement with Hallmark and I have never received any payment from them.”

Instead of blogging about movies, Golden insists on 280-character reviews, which are an “easy and convenient way for people to understand what they are doing and measure if they want to watch it.”

“Everything is so difficult right now. “Everyone is trying to avoid getting sick,” says Golden. “Are these really predictable? Yes. And are they a bit silly? Sure. But who does not want love and happiness, and you will achieve this in this movie. In a way, it’s like a really, really comforting, warm hug. “

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