Home » Marvel’s upcoming Blade film hit a major setback just before production began

Marvel’s upcoming Blade film hit a major setback just before production began

by Stewart Cole

It looks like today is a day of both good news and bad news for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. On the former front, Deadpool 3 was the subject of an exciting announcement this afternoon when the release date and Hugh Jackman’s return as Wolverine were confirmed by Ryan Reynolds. Unfortunately, this terrible update was followed a few hours later with reports that the upcoming Blade The film was a major failure: Bassam Tariq is no longer involved in directing.

News of this creative parting of the ways comes from The Hollywood Reporter. The trade has a quote from the studio saying that “constant changes to our production schedule” are to blame for this unfortunate development. Bladewhich has a November 2023 release date, was scheduled to begin filming in Atlanta, Georgia a few weeks from now, and it’s unclear how this situation will change plans.

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