Netflix on Wednesday released a new trailer for its upcoming offering on Malayalam Minnal Murali. The teasers and trailers that were released earlier led us to believe that this movie was a lightweight superhero movie full of sun and rainbows. But the latest trailer shatters our expectations for the film.
The new trailer gives a dark and ominous tone to the film as it presents Minnal Murali’s first terrifying mission as a superhero: to save his village from impending doom. While we do not see evil, we have a sense of the trace of destruction it leaves behind. It seems that the whole village is on fire, causing ordinary people to cry and cry in pain.
“I’m excited and happy with the response to the trailer. To keep our fans guessing, we decided to share a sneak peek at what is to come, through this bonus trailer. Our effort is to give the audience a good movie and to have fun through the movie. “With the bonus trailer, we hope the audience is as interested and excited about watching the film as we are about showing it to them,” said Minnal Murali director Basil Joseph.
Weekend Blockbusters producer Sophia Paul added: “Our goal was to make Minnal Murali a complete film and family fun with something for everyone. “Along with the story, it’s the amazing cast that has all delivered surreal interpretations and the crew whose efforts will make people want to watch the movie over and over again.”
The Minnal Murali stars Tovino Thomas, Guru Somasundaram, Harisree, Ashokan, Aju Varghese, among others. The film is scheduled to premiere on Netflix on December 24, 2021.
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