Home » New report reveals the original release date of the canceled Batgirl movie

New report reveals the original release date of the canceled Batgirl movie

by Stewart Cole

Warner Bros. Discovery has had a sketchy run over the past couple of years, particularly in terms of movies in the DC Extended Universe and DC’s other standalone properties. This frustration came to a head when the company decided to cancel its upcoming release Bat girl for a tax filing, upsetting a huge sect of DC fans along with the cast and crew who worked to bring the film to life.

While the leaked footage shows some of what fans can expect to see in terms of action, Bat girl is highly unlikely to be released to the public in any form, leaving fans to wonder how this film would have been added to the DCEU. Throw this cancellation into the equation along with other big decisions by the company and it will leave the future of the DC universe in doubt as the superhero genre becomes more competitive every year.

Throughout Bat girlWhen it was in the news feed, part of what left its debut so unsettled during production was that it didn’t even have a release date, though reports indicated it was going to hit HBO Max sometime in 2023.

Now, that’s been confirmed thanks to a new report involving one of Warner Bros.’ other upcoming film debuts.

Batgirl’s Possible HBO Max Release Date Revealed?


Deadline shared that Lionsgate is set to release Sylvester Stallone’s Consumables 4 on September 22, putting himself “against an untitled Warner Bros. DC film” on the same release date.

According to a tweet from an insider KC Walshthis untitled DC movie would actually be Bat girl if it had not been cancelled. He reiterated how studios plan their release dates “years ago” and that there is no way that anything from DC and Warner Bros. will be produced and released.

“Doesn’t people know that the Studios grab dates years in advance so the vendors know what’s coming

That was for Batgirl, they’re not going to make 5 dc movies next year and they especially didn’t make a movie that you don’t know about.”

More disappointing Batgirl news revealed

2023 is already poised to bring some big DC releases, even after multiple delays forced fans to wait for the DCEU to continue on the big screen. by Jason Momoa Aquaman The sequel will be released as a Christmas release while by Ezra Miller The lightning remains in place on June 23, viz Bat girl would slot in between those two in his own HBO Max series.

In the end, this will now be an unused release slot for Warner Bros. as the company works to figure out what its final plan is for the DC Extended Universe.

This plan will almost certainly not include the work of Leslie Grace and Michael Keaton Bat girl, with no plans to release the material for the foreseeable future. And with the company’s entire release strategy still being overhauled thanks to management anticipating more cinematic releases, things could look very different for the entire company and its superhero franchises moving forward.

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