Aayush Sharma, who is Khan’s co-star in “Antim: The Final Truth,” said in a recent interview that whether it’s Salman’s lifestyle or his home, everything exudes simplicity. He said Salman was not really interested in the latest models of cell phones or TVs or even cars. He added that he is a simple guy who does not care if he has the thickest internet or not. All that matters to him are his films. So, basically, if you leave Salman alone for a while, you can go back to him just by watching a movie.
In addition, although Salman Khan’s physique is one of his USPs, Aayush revealed that his gym also has very basic equipment. He is essentially pressured by his family to get new things like cars, otherwise we would not have bothered to get anything.
It seems that all fancy material things are far below Salman Kahn now! However, when it comes to movies, Salman Khan never thinks twice before doing life-long stunts. This is probably one of the few things Salman really cares about.
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